Manuel Feller's circuit board inspired logo, used as a folder icon manuelfeller — wsh

~ % whois

% This query returned 1 object

name:       Manuel Feller

occupation: Software Developer

location:   Rhein-Main Area, Germany

  • pgp-key:    see interactive mode, command pgp
  • presence:   Github
  • presence:   Vimeo
  • presence:   Mastodon
  • presence:   Medium (under construction)
  • presence:   LinkedIn (rarely used)
  • presence:   YouTube (deprecated)
  • status:     ACTIVE
  • created:    2022-12-04
  • changed:    2024-02-11

  • Imprint according to ยง5 TMG:
  • name:       Manuel Feller
  • address:    Postfach 1230
  • address:    55205 Ingelheim am Rhein
  • address:    Germany
  • e-mail:

~ % Click here to start interactive mode